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Biographies & programs



Jared Andrew Michaud



Christina Koti


Participants Duo 2024.jpg


Ludwig van Beethoven

Vier Arietten und ein Duett, Op.82

3. Arietta buffa "L'amante impaziente"  (Pietro Metastasio)  - 1R

Franz Schubert

Im Frühling, D 882 (Erst Schulze)  - 1R

Pensa, che questo istante D 76 (Pietro Metastasio)  

Robert Schumann

Myrthen, Op.25 

17. Zwei Venezianische Lieder I (Moore/Freiligrath) 

18. Zwei Venezianische Lieder II (Moore/Freiligrath) 

Hugo Wolf

Spanisches Liederbuch 

1. "Nun bin ich dein" (Juan Ruiz de Hita/Heyse)

Henri Duparc


4. Extase (Jean Lahor) 

12. La vie antérieure (Charles Baudelaire)  - 1R

Mathilde Kralik von Meyerswalden

Jugend Lieder

2. Sonett (Thibault, König von Novara)

Emile Paladilhe

Psyché (Corneille)

Roger Quilter

Three Shakespeare Songs, Op.6 

1. Come Away, Death 

3. Blow, Blow, Thou Winter Wind 

Gerald Finzi

Let Us Garlands Bring, Op.18 (WIlliam Shakespeare) 

2. Who Is Silvia? (The Two Gentlemen of Verona, Act IV, Scene 2)  

4. O Mistress Mine (Twelfth Night, Act II, Scene 3)  

5. It Was a Lover and His Lass  - 1R


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For more audio/video and photo, visit the Gallery page.

Jared Andrew Michaud


Year of birth:


Franco-American baritone Jared Andrew Michaud is a 2023-2024  Fulbright-Harriet Hale Woolley Scholar in Paris, studying with François  Le Roux and Pascal Rogé on a song duo course at the École Normale de  Musique and working privately with Susan Manoff and Valérie Guillorit.  With his duo partner, pianist Christina Koti, Jared has won first prize  at the 2022 Federation of Art Song Fellowship Competition (NYC), the 4th  International SGSM Singing Competition (Slovenia), and the 2022  Elisabeth Schumann Lieder Duo Competition (London). They are currently  representing France in the 2023-2024 Young Europe Sings program. Jared  received his MA from Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music & Dance in  London  and his BA from Yale University.

Christina Koti


Christina Maria Koti is a Paris-based Greek pianist pursuing an artist  diploma on the voice/piano duo course at École Normale de Musique de  Paris with Pascal Rogé and François Le Roux, while studying privately  with Susan Manoff. She holds an MMus in Piano Performance under  Professor Deniz Gelenbe-Arman from the Trinity Laban Conservatoire of  Music & Dance and previously graduated from the University of  Glasgow with a first class honors Bachelor of Music degree. Beyond  success in many solo piano and song duo competitions, Christina has also  been chosen to play for the Wigmore Hall French Song Exchange, the  Young Europe Sings academy, and the Toronto Summer Music Art of Song  Program.

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